Aghalee Road
BT67 0AR
Phone: 028 9265 2304
Email: [email protected]
Website: Visit our website
BT67 0AR
Phone: 028 9265 2304
Email: [email protected]
Website: Visit our website
Aghagallon Community Centre was opened in 2014 to replace the old Parish Hall and was funded by the people of the Parish and the Rural Development Programme, 2007 – 2013. The Centre has an impressive main hall and a range of multi-functional spaces. It provides a new home for the Aghagallon Pre-school and a small café. Examples of activities taking place in the Centre are: the 7 Derrys Youth Club, the Bowling Club, Yoga, Aerobics, Exercise for 50+years, Hip Hop & Dance, Fitness Sessions, Speech & Drama, Irish Language and Computer Classes, meetings of the Women’s Institute and various Church functions.